Since school starts back next week, I thought today would be a good time to get a new pair of reading glasses. Well it was an interesting visit to say the least. This very young doctor did my examination. Apparently I am older that I realize b/c he informed me that I needed bifocals!! I informed him that I did not need bifocals and would just take a pair of reading glasses. Thank you very much. He went ahead and gave me the prescription for glasses to see far away too. So now I have two prescriptions. One for near and one for far!
So during my exam I happened to mention that I took my daughter to see Dr. Carlsen for her eyes b/c she had Down syndrome. He proceeded to tell me about his experience in Alabama working with children with Downs and how happy they always were. Well after the day I had had with Abbi and her whining, I decided to let him know that DS kids are just like any other kid. I said" Well I'd like to know where my happy DS kid is b/c mine has whined all day........." This put a funny look on his face and he said something to the effect of I'm Sorry and changed the topic of conversation. A small triumph for me. I finally let one person know that DS kids are just like other kids and they aren't all happy all the time. Believe me when it's time for Sesame Street I told him my daughter is just like any other 2 year old. If you get in front of Elmo, it's melt down time........
So he helped me pick out my glasess and sent me on my way. I am sure he was glad to get me out of there....