Monday, May 18, 2009


I will never understand why people have to struggle against each other when they should really be trying to work together to help a child be the best they can be. The only person they are hurting is the child. A child that is completely helpless for the most part. Why does everything have to come down to money??? I want so badly to do and say what I know in my heart to be right but I can't b/c it may compromise my daughter's chances at getting the help I know she will need to be successful in school. Oh if only I had the time to help educate others about the capabilities of our kids with Down syndrome. I wish I could make them see the potential I see if only they would try a little harder to learn more about our kids. My prayer tonight is to be able to be in a place where I can educate those in need about how to teach out kids. I feel a calling like I haven't felt in a long time but I don't know how to answer it. If doors or windows open or even crack I will find a way to get thru!

Our Family

Our Family

Abbi & Daddy

Abbi & Daddy
Summer 2006