Today I finished my Education Specialist Degree. We had our last class. This past year has been hard but today made it all worthwhile. Now I can get a raise and focus more on Abbi & Junior in the upcoming year. I cannot explain how excited I am to finally be done. There were times in the past year that I felt like quitting. I am so glad that I had the good Lord above to give me grace and my family and friends to support me.
Now if I can just get my doctorate degree then I will finally be done!! :-) Of course I will take small break, but that is definately a goal that I have.
Junior is very ready for me to be completely done with school, but I know that he will support me if and when I decide to go back. I really want to be Dr. Baker. Time will tell. Right now I am just glad to be done with this one.........
Birthday Number Twelve
5 years ago