My little girl is all registered for Preschool in the Fall. We are opting to send her to a private christian preschool with "normal" kids instead of the one offered for "special" kids by our county schools. I really feel it is very important right now for Abbi to be fully included as long as she can. I really don't know what will happen down the road when she goes to kindergarten. I am praying for guidance on that. I know she must be where God wants her to be because we got the "LAST SPOT" on the only days she would be able to go. I know that was divine intervention b/c I have zero luck and they drew numbers for spots and we got the last one!
I am so excited and scared at the same time. Her school is beautiful and her teacher has a special ed background. I know she won't get the type of one on one as if she were in a "special" preschool but I atleast want to try this out and see how she does. Hopefully well!
Hope everyone had a great Easter. I will post pics later.
Birthday Number Twelve
5 years ago
I'm sure the decision wasn't an easy one. I love reading your blog and keeping up to date. She is getting so big and she's just adorable.
She will do great.....I'm sure!!! Even though we held JEB back a year for maturity reasons, he went to a regular PreK-4 class and did fine. While he didn't figure out all of the phonics and stuff the other kids did, he still knew some basic stuff when he went to K5.
They worked with him on pottying, but we are STILL working on that one. He'll go every time I take him, and when he has on big boy pants, he'll even hold it! He just won't come tell me ahead of time that he has to go!!
Anyway, hopefully, you will find a Christian school that has a Exceptional Educ. program. The place where I teach has an early version of it and is planning on having one in a few years. But for now, JEB is in public school and doing absolutely marvelous!!!
I'm sure you are glad to have that decision behind you and I hope your daughter loves school as much as my son does. I have him in a private preschool at a church two days a week AND the special ed preschool at the public elem school two days a week. I thought it would help me figure out what to do when he hits kindergarten but so far he loves both schools. I can certainly see benefits in each so we plan to continue with both next year as well.
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